I love this topic. I am a very opinionated person, and as such, I have strong views on many things. Which means I have a lot of pet peeves, and I love to talk about them for some reason. Seriously, I could go on and on about them. Instead of selecting one pet peeve and waxing poetic about it, I'll just start a little list. Maybe I will add a few tidbits of explanation, or maybe not. I am certain, however, that this list will not cover all of them. And yes, I am aware that some of these make me a judgmental bitch, a weirdo or at the very least, quirky in a not-so-flattering way. So here goes...enjoy!
People who smack when they eat (also people who chew with their mouths open); animals wearing clothing, particularly prissy little dogs wearing sweaters (no, it's not cute, no matter how cute your dog is); women that have high-pitched baby voices; twins that dress alike (or couples, families or any other groups of people that do it on purpose but aren't part of a team or other official group); nail biting; bad posture, especially on tall women who are slouching to make themselves appear shorter; poor grammar (your instead of you're? Don't even get me started!); lisping, especially when it's an adult; people who use made-up words but think they are real (supposably anyone? or acrosst, perhaps?); people that don't respond when you say hello or how are you? (this is a customer service pet peeve); being interrupted or talked over while I'm speaking (this is a HUGE pet peeve of mine, and I always seem to be surrounded by friends or coworkers who do this); people who are rude to servers, cashiers or other people in customer service positions....
I think that's enough for tonight, so I'll just leave it at that. For now.
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